unlimited competitive open bidding 公开招标 ; 国际竞争性招标 ; 称无限竞争性招标 ; 又称无限竞争性公开招标
open bidding or tendering 公开招标
Open Bidding System 额度拍卖
keeping the bidding open 保持叫牌继续
The draft law requires an open bidding process and would establish which foreign countries are eligible to work in Iraq.
Thee city actively promoted the open bidding system for the use of land and strictly controlled the proportion of bid-winners among bidders.
O the r councils, by comparison, have dragged the ir feet, despite the fact th at open bidding for permission to set up or manage new schools became compulsory in 2006.
2006年,公开竞标以获取建立或誉理新的学校的许可证已经成为了义务。 尽管事实如此,但是其他一些理事会相反却拖了这些学校的后腿。