Anti Deep Freeze--可以绕过冰点还原,选择默认的“Open new Process”(开启新的进程),然后点击“start”即可反制冰点还原。退出程序请点击“exit”。
You can right-click the local process and select open in new page to open the local process in its own editor page, similar to previous versions of Modeler.
与早期版本的Modeler类似,您可以右键单击局部流程并选择Open in new page,从而在单独的编辑器页面中打开局部流程。
“The new open ticketing layout emphasizes the use of electronic self-service kiosks to speed the check-in process and minimize lines, ” says Debbie Price, vice president of the airline’s Houston hub.
“新的值机区加强了电子值机设备的应用,它们可加快值机流程并尽可能地缩短等候队伍,”大陆航空的休斯顿枢纽副总裁Debbie Price表示。
Yet, with the new registration process, it's very unlikely that the race will still be open by the time she's allowed to register.