By which we took Hei Dai Gou open pit coal mine as an example to study the plan ,devise and practice of land reclaimation in the specific open pit coal mines.
参考来源 - 露天煤矿土地复垦理论与方法研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Geological data treatment is a part of the soft ware package for optimization of short-term plans in open pit coal mines.
Remains of Titanoboa cerrejonensis were found in a layer of rock at the cerrejon Coal mine, one of the largest open-pit mines in the world.
Titanoboa cerrejonensis(蛇的名字)的遗骸是在cerrejon煤矿- - -世界上最大的露天煤矿之一的岩层中被发现的。
Truck dispatching system based on radio communication in open-pit coal mines is developed and established by combining radio communication with computer technology.