operant conditioning 操作制约 ; [生理] 操作性条件反射 ; 操作性条件作用 ; 操作条件反射
Operant Conditioning Theory 理论 ; 操作制约理论
operant conditioning theory of learning 学习的操作条件作用说
operant conditioning reflex 操作式条件反射 ; 操作条件反射 ; 技术性条件反射
Operant Conditioning Techniques 操作制约的方法
operant conditioning therapy 操作条件治疗法
closed-loop operant conditioning 操作性条件作用
is known as operant conditioning 叫做作操作性条件作用
To train a rat, the experimenter placed it in an operant conditioning chamber: a small plastic box with a lever at one end.
So, to illustrate Skinnerian theory in operant conditioning, I'll give an example of training a pig.
Now, according to sort of a simple-minded view of operant conditioning in behaviorist psychology, the children you reward should do it more.