Opportunistic infection 机会性感染 ; 机会感染 ; 伺机性感染 ; 机遇性感染
other opportunistic infection 其他条件致病性感染
lung opportunistic infection 肺机遇性感染
opportunistic infection treatment 抗机会性感染
HIV-related opportunistic infection 艾滋病相关机会致病菌感染
Opportunistic fungal infection 机会性真菌感染
Opportunistic pulmonary infection 机会性肺部感染
Opportunistic pathogen infection 机会菌感染
Opportunistic lung infection 机会性肺部感染
TB occurs earlier in the course of HIV infection than many other opportunistic infections.
For people who have already contracted an opportunistic infection and undergone successful treatment, secondary prophylaxis may be advisable to prevent recurrence.
Indeed, the past two decades have seen TB's resurgence in poor countries-in particular as an opportunistic infection in those whose immune systems have been damaged by HIV.