...obronchoscopy ; TBS Tacheobrochoscopy ; brochoscopy ; TBS tracheo bronchoscopy 纤维光束支气管镜 fiberoptic bronchoscope ; optic bronchoscope ; flexible fibroptic bronchscope 荧光支气管镜 fluorescence bronchoscope ..
flexible fibre optic bronchoscope 可屈性光学纤维气管镜
fiber optic bronchoscope 光纤支气管镜
fibre optic bronchoscope 探讨纤维支气管镜
fiber-optic bronchoscope 纤维光束支气管镜
Methods 70 cases of patients with ICU mechanical ventilation, who received fiber optic bronchoscope examination and lung-lavage treatment were retrospectively reviewed.
Compared with oral tracheal intubation, nasal tracheal intubation has its specialty. Especially induced by fibre-optic bronchoscope, it is used for difficulty of tracheal intubation.