口述历史(Oral History)是一种古老而又新兴的史学方法,它是指历史研究者利用笔录、录音或录影等方式搜集受访者对往事的口头回忆而整理的口传记忆文献及...
口述史学(Oral History),就是运用包括现代科学技术的一切手段,对历史的亲历者或目击者进行有准备的访谈,对访谈资料进行整理,进而进行历史研究的历史学分...
Doing Oral History 大家来做口述历史
Oral History Online 口述历史在线 ; 口述历史
The Oral History Studies 口述史研究
Oral History Society 英国口述历史学会
Oral History Department 口述历史馆
Oral History Review 口述历史评论
Oral History Association 口述历史协会
Oral History of Apple Design 苹果设计的口述历史
以上来源于: WordNet
N-VAR Oral history consists of spoken memories, stories, and songs, and the study of these, as a way of communicating and discovering information about the past. 口述历史
This limitation derives from Nakane's methodology—that of oral history—which cannot substitute for a broader theoretical or comparative perspective.
口述历史这种局限性源于 Nakane 的方法,这不能取代更广泛的理论或比较视角。
Oral history, well done, gives one a sense of accomplishment.
You can help him record his memories by creating a photo album or by interviewing him for an oral history.