Gilmore Oral Reading Test 吉尔摩朗诵测验
Oral Reading Fluency 读流畅度 ; 朗读流畅度 ; 朗读流利度
Prepare an oral reading 准备一篇口头阅读
Slosson Oral Reading Test 斯洛森口头阅读测试
oral reading skill 释义诵读技能 ; 诵读技能
gray oral reading test 格雷朗读测验格雷朗读测验
Korean oral reading 韩语听说读
Strengthen oral reading practice 加强朗读
oral-reading 关键字
Deep dyslexia is a specific reading disorder. This type of dyslexia provides evidence for the existence of semantic route in oral reading.
Although it's not the most accurate way to take a temperature, you can also use an oral thermometer for an armpit (axillary) reading.
Good oral English; good written and reading English.