... Orange Pekoe 橘子贝果 ; 柑桔香红茶 ; 橙黄白毫 ; 黄金蕊 broken pekoe 香红茶末 ; 碎白毫 PEKOE TEA 印度特色纪念品 ...
Premier's Tea精选等级FTGFOP1之首摘大吉岭红茶,含有许多黄金蕊(Orange Pekoe)之称的新芽,建议纯饮(清饮),品味其精致细腻且耐人寻味不同层次的芳香。
Flowery Orange Pekoe 花橙黄白毫 ; 花橙白毫 ; 最尖端的花橙黄白毫
Broken Orange Pekoe 碎橙黄白毫
Orange Pekoe Barbie 橙茶芭比
FOPflowry Orange Pekoe 大吉岭红茶
Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe 花碎橙黄白毫
orange pekoe style shole leaf 橙黄白毫样式 ; 基本设施叶
Orange Pekoe Guesthouse 橙黄白毫宾馆
Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning 碎橙黄白毫片
N a superior grade of black tea made from the small leaves at the tips of the plant stems and growing in India and Sri Lanka (产于印度和斯里兰卡的)上等红茶
Lian: Yes. An orange pekoe, thank you.
In fact, however, Orange Pekoe has nothing at all to do with the tea's flavor.
There are generally three popular explanations given for the meaning of "Orange" in Orange Pekoe, none of them definitive.