Order Confirmation 另行确认 ; 订单确认 ; 另行明确承认 ; 确认订单
Enter Service Order Confirmation 输入服务订单确认消息
Enter Production order Confirmation 确认生产订单
Order Confirmation Page 订单确认页
Incoming Purchase Order Confirmation 导入采购订单确认
Order Confirmation Reminder Report 订单确认催询报告
Enter PM Order Confirmation 创建
Email Order Confirmation 订单确认的邮件复件
Order confirmation tracking and checking 订单确认的跟踪和检查
The consumer gets an order confirmation email
The process at JoeLaptops then sends the purchase order confirmation to an ACME process that accepts purchase order confirmations.
The Sales Agent figures out what parts of the purchase order can be fulfilled and forms a purchase order confirmation that provides a detailed line-by-line account of the items it can provide.
Sales Agent计算出购买订单的哪些部分可以满足,然后形成购买订单确认,以提供一份详细说明,逐行显示所能供应的物品。