order statistic [统计] 顺序统计量
Minimum order Statistic 最小顺序统计量
Maximum order Statistic 最大顺序统计量
Second Order Statistic 二阶统计量 ; 采用基于二阶统计量 ; 基于二阶统计量 ; 度的二阶统计
order statistic test 次序统计测试
order statistic filter 次序统计量
Dynamic order-statistic 动态次序统计
Higher Order Statistic 高阶统计量
Medians and Order Statistic 中位数和顺序统计量
rank order statistic [数] 秩序统计量
The key of the method is to analyze the feature of high order statistic of seismic signal based on high order statistic.
Methods By analyzing the adaptive optimization algorithm of weight order statistic filter, the adaptive optimization algorithm for rank selection filter has been derived.
The closure conditions of order statistic of NWUT life distribution in accelerated life model were obtained.