... 采购项目是否为其核心能力 Product/service expertise 订单积压状况 Order backlog 自制与外包的状况 Contractor's "make or buy" program ...
Sales order backlog follow up 销售定单跟踪
customer order backlog 客户订货积压
backlog order 未交货订单 ; 未交货的订货总额 ; 未结订单
backlog order reporting 未交订货报告
backlog of order 已接受订货总数
backlog g order 未交货的订货总额
backlog of unfilled order 积压未交订货
Its total order backlog is more than 3, 700 planes, the equivalent of about six years' production.
"This acquisition is included in Embraer's firm order backlog for the third quarter of 2009," Embraer said in a news release.
According to Mr Stettler, Alstom, a French engineering group, has an order backlog worth 47 billion euro ($61 billion), equivalent to more than two years of revenue.
法国工程集团Alstom 的Stettler先生表示,公司手中仍有价值470亿欧元($610亿)的积压订单,这相当于过去两年的利润总和。