... it is not without its problems » 它并不是没有自己的问题 order effect » 命令生效 break your computer » 打破您的计算机 ...
second-order effect 二阶效应 ; 二级效应
second order effect 二次项效应 ; 次级效应 ; 二级效应 ; 二阶效应
high-order effect 高级效应
first-Order effect 一级反应
higher-order effect 高阶效应
order effect-counterbalance 实验过程影片
zeroth-order effect 零级效应
The second-order effect is that the enemy disperses to mitigate the effects of fires.
Indeed, to hear families tell it, the birth-order effect may only be getting stronger.
There appears to be a complexity order effect going on that renders xml_objectify unusable for large documents.
似乎有一些复杂的排序工作在进行,而产生的 xml_objectify 对于大型文档来说根本无法使用。
The problem is you've got to make hundreds of millions of doses sometimes in order to have an effect on progress of the disease.
We know there has to be some effect of the environment shaping language, obviously, because in order to know English you have to have heard English, in order to know Dutch you have had to heard, to--had to have learned and heard Dutch.
This is introducing a gene, it's a natural gene but it's not - it's a natural gene that's found in humans and is actually expressed all over your body in different levels, but you're concentrating it or over expressing it in one particular region of tissue in order to have a particular effect.