Adding another CTE source allows us to issue a global order for all the rows according to the one requested by order SIBLINGS by.
通过添加另一个CTE source,我们可以根据ORDER SIBLINGS BY请求的顺序对所有行发出一个全局顺序。
Adding an ORDER siblings BY clause which is only allowed in composition with the hierarchical query clause and will return the siblings in the predefined sequence.
添加一个ORDER SIBLINGS BY子句,该子句只能与分级查询子句组合使用,并且将按预先定义的顺序返回同级查询结果。
In the next example, the previous query is modified, by adding an ORDER by siblings clause to get the siblings in the result sorted by NAME.
在下一个示例中,会修改以前的查询,添加一个ORDER BY siblings子句,从按照NAME排序的结果中获取同级查询结果。