...:指用数据的标记或名称来识别个体属性的一种变量测量尺度,名义数据既可以是非数值型的,也可以是数值型的。 顺序尺度(ordinal scale):具有名义数据的性质,并能显示数据的顺序或等级有明确意义的一种变量测量尺度。
(2)定序尺度(Ordinal Scale):也称等级尺度或顺序尺度,是按照某种逻辑顺序将调查对象排列出高低或大小,确定其等级及次序的一种尺度。类与类之间就不平等了。
Ordinal scale random variable 序列的随机变数
ordinal scale data 等级测度资料
ordinal scale measurement 序数尺度
ordinal scale detail 序数尺度
Ordinal measurement scale 定序测量尺度 ; 尺度
Ordinal visual scale 视诊等级记分
N a scale on which data is shown simply in order of magnitude since there is no standard of measurement of differences: for instance, a squash ladder is an ordinal scale since one can say only that one person is better than another, but not by how much 顺序量表 [statistics] → compare interval scale, ratio scale, nominal scale
We measure the service process maturity of organizations on a five level ordinal scale.
The scores merely represent an ordinal scale, only ranking individuals according to their overall performance on a variety of complex mental tasks.
The IT Service CMM aims to fulfill these goals by measuring the capability of the IT service processes of organizations on a five level ordinal scale .