organic acid [有化] 有机酸 ; 皂化 ; 小分子有机酸 ; 许多有机酸
organic acid content [有化] 有机酸含量
organic acid salt 有机酸盐
soil organic acid 土壤有机酸
solid organic acid 固态有机酸
organic acid fermentation [食品] 有机酸发酵 ; 有机酸
free organic acid 游离有机酸
weak organic acid 弱有机酸
organic acid soil 有机酸性土
The organic litter of another tree species might add less acid but more of something else.
Result is organic titanate silane octadecanoic acid.
PET is made from two feedstocks, one of them an organic acid, the other ethylene glycol, which is relatively inexpensive.