...子资料文库 关键词:浅层地下水;有机污染;包气带;防污性能. [gap=11928]Key words: shallow groundwater; organic contamination; vadose; contamination preventing abilities ...
...漂洗废水;有机污染物;臭氧催化氧化;化学需氧量 [gap=1248]Keywords: rinse water of nickel planting; organic contamination; catalyzed ozonation; chemical oxygen demand ...
More and more organic contamination of environment has been occurred with broad utilization of chemical products and their improper discharging.
参考来源 - 地质环境中挥发性有机污染研究现状—《南水北调与水利科技》—2010年第6期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Mechanisms of phytoremediation are proposed to be uptake of organic chemicals by plant and effect of plant root secretion and microorganisms on the degradation of organic contamination.
植物修复的机理包括植物对有机污染物的直接吸收、植物根系分泌物、 微生物对根际环境中有机污染物降解的促进作用。
The paper mainly introduces current status of organic contamination in groundwater, and combines the tenet, mainstream and proposition of environmental ethics to discuss the origin of the problem.
What is clear is that both organic and conventional foods are susceptible to contamination by pathogenic microorganisms at every point in the food chain.