章节小结器质性精神障碍(Organic Mental Disorders)是指由于脑部疾病或躯体器质性损伤引起的精神障碍。包括脑器质性精神障碍和躯体疾病所致精神障碍;常见的临床综合征有谵妄、痴呆...
医师文章-书田诊所 ... 第四节:精神官能症 (Neurotic Disorders) 第七节:妄想性疾病 (Paranoid Disorders) 第八节:器质性精神疾病 (Organic Mental Disorders) ...
brain organic mental disorders 脑器质性精神障碍
Organic mental disorders due 其他或待分类器质性精神
Cerebral organic mental disorders 脑器质性精神障碍
elderly brain organic mental disorders 老年器质性精神障碍
alcohol-induced organic mental disorders 嗜酒所致的器质性精神障碍
psychoactive substance-induced organic mental disorders 精神作用物质引起的器质性精神障碍
Method: 116 patients of elderly brain organic mental disorders were randomly assigned to two groups to receive risperidone and perphenazine respectively for 6 weeks.
Some mental disorders, such as Alzheimer disease, are clearly caused by organic disease of the brain, but the causes of most others are either unknown or not yet verified.