orifice flowmeter 隔板量计 ; 孔板量计 ; 孔板流量表 ; 流量计
orifice flowmeter factor 孔板流量计系数
standard orifice flowmeter 标准孔板流量计
Orifice Plate Flowmeter 孔板流量计 ; [仪] 孔板式流量计 ; 孔板
Conditioning Orifice Flowmeter 空调孔板流量计
thin plate orifice flowmeter 薄孔板流量计
variable orifice flowmeter 可变开口流量计
Orifice Flowmeter Integration 孔板流量计一体化
orifice-and-plug flowmeter 锥塞式流量计
Bench of closed circuit cooling tower that is composed of boiler, exchanger, orifice flowmeter, water pump, micromanometer, heat indicator and so on is established.
Comparing with orifice flowmeter, it features simple structure, ease installation and maintenance as well as wide range.
Presently orifice flowmeter is the major gas flowmeter.