plus other expenses 再加上其他的费用
other expenses of capital construction 其它基本建设费
paid other expenses 已付其他费用
Accrued other expenses 预提其他费用
other prepaid expenses 其它预付费用 ; 其它预支用度 ; 其它预支费用
Other operating expenses 其他业务支出 ; 其它营业费用 ; 其他经营开支 ; 其它营运开支
All Other Expenses 所有其他支出
other accrued expenses payable 其它应付费用 ; 其它应付用度 ; 其它敷衍用度
other selling expenses 其它推销费用 ; 其它倾销费用
She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses.
If it has to hire a caregiver for every two children, it can't really achieve any economies of scale on labor to save money when other expenses go up.
Other expenses included five-figure printing bills.