... 过期应收票据 note receivable past due 过期支票 out-of-date check 过染色的 hyperchromatic ...
out of date check 过期支票
You'll need to check that your passport hasn't been out of date either.
Strictly speaking, you don't need to perform this now, as you just installed your repository and it should not be out of date. But it doesn't hurt to check just in case.
I can check out the latest build of the Flex 4 SDK from Adobe's source control repository and get the latest code, which is as up-to-date as the internal Adobe engineers have access to.
我可以从adobe的源码控制仓库中检出最新构建的Flex 4 SDK以及最新的代码,这其实就是Adobe内部的工程师所使用的代码。