天气的变化和阳光的暴晒,其实就和骑行是一样的,也会造成轮胎经历低温---高温---低温的循环过程和除气(Out gassing)过程。 8 更换轮胎的时候要注意的一个细节,在轮胎出厂日期分辨(红圈的 3115 )就是轮胎的生产日期,31是指的是31周生产出厂的,...
out-gassing 排气 ; 吹气处理
No out-gassing 无毒气排放
Out gassing tape 低挥发气味胶带
out-gassing rate 出气率
out gassing property 出气性能
以上来源于: WordNet
Then he lays out the agenda quickly and without gassing on and on , a laconic style that few others in the room practice.
An old book's familiar musty smell is due to hundreds of different volatile organic compounds gassing out from the paper and other materials, such as the binding.
Hutchinson is annoyed, but says they're planning on gassing the brothers out floor by floor; they're using a colorless, odorless gas.