continuous outcome variable 连续结果变量
initial outcome variable 原始结果变量
denumerable outcome variable 可数结果变量
multidimensional outcome variable 多维输出变量
partition of outcome variable 结果变量的划分 ; 输出变量的划分
key outcome variable 主要结果变数
s outcome variable 连续结果变量
terminal outcome variable 最终结果变量
All individual-level variables were significantly correlated with the outcome variable of individual neighborhood attachment.
A promise is a variable that represents the outcome of some asynchronous operation.
For example, the experiment could be tossing a coin, I will call the outcome heads the number one, and I'll call the outcome tails the number zero, so I've just defined a random variable.
If you have an experiment and the outcome of the experiment is a number, then a random variable is the number that comes from the experiment.
For example, the experiment could be tossing a coin, I will call the outcome heads the number one, and I'll call the outcome tails the number zero, so I've just defined a random variable.