...或FDL(输入缓存情况下):光交换矩阵在调度器控制下 将数据突发交换至相应端口,进入相应的输出数据信道(Output Data Channel,ODC);电层的缓存负责解决控制分组之问的竞争,而调度器则 重庆邮电大学硕士论文 第二章光突发交换技术 根据...
That is, a channel guard is ready if and only if the process at the other end of the channel has output to it and this data has not yet been input by this process.
Deparaplex is a class that, converse to the paraplex class, de-multiplexes data from its single-input channel to an array of output channels.
No matter how you've been reading your file, you can dump the rest of your data to your standard output channel using fpassthru.
无论怎样读取文件,您都可以使用 fpassthru 将其余数据转储到标准输出通道。