...框编辑I/O变量:对象属性对话框(Object Properties) 分为两大部分:属性(Properties)和事件(Events ) 输出值(Output Value ):输出值 (Output Value)相应的静态(Static) 区域为静态时显示的输出值的值,双击 输出值(Output Value)即可改变该值。
...情形 人力资源之衡量 衡量人力资源的方式可分为货币性与非货币性两大类,系着眼于投入成本(Input Value)或产出价值(Output Value)的衡量方式。 非货币性衡量 货币性衡量及衡量模式
net output value 净产值 ; [工经] 纯产值
total output value 生产总值 ; 总产值 ; 总值 ; 年出产总值
total industrial output value 工业生产总值 ; [工经] 工业总产值 ; 工业部产值
total social output value 社会总产值
gross industrial output value 工业总产值 ; 全部工业总产值
gross output value of agriculture 农业总产值
gross output value 总产值 ; 工业总产值
comparing mulching wheat with the wheat in the open:the output value ,the nA output value , and the profit of every work day are respectively increased by 40.83%,43.22% and 43 .22%.
地膜小麦的每工日产值、每工日净产值和每工日 利润分别较露地小麦增长了40.S3、43.22、43.22个百分点。
参考来源 - 张掖市粮食生产的技术经济分析LS-SVM was introduced to forecast the microprocessor protective device,which chose real-time current, state kind and fault corresponding running state as input value,and running state of the microprocessor protective device as output value.
参考来源 - 基于支持向量机的微机保护装置状态预测方法·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Field 5: The EWU output value.
The output value must be a user selectable format and number of digits.
Typically just an output value of 0 or 1 is produced per Reduce invocation.
通常每次 Reduce 调用只生成一个输出值 0 或 1。
And conceptually, the idea of cubing a value feels like you could package that up into a little box, a little tool that takes input, a value, and returns output the answer A* so you don't have to constantly do A star, A*A So this program ,at the end of today, is pretty much the same thing.