Understanding how DB2 USES memory prevents you from over-allocating memory, and helps you tune memory use for better performance.
理解DB 2如何使用内存,可以防止过度分配内存,并有助于对内存的使用进行调优,从而获得更好的性能。
However, over-allocating free space may result in wasted DASD space, less data transferred per I/O, less efficient use of buffer pools and more pages to scan.
然而,过多地分配空余空间可能会产生浪费的 DASD 空间,导致每次 I/O 只能传输更少的数据,缓冲池的利用效率更低,并且要扫描更多的页。
Similarly, with LPARs, you can achieve a greater degree of control over the usage of resources-by allocating entire processors or precise fractions of processors to an LPAR, for example.