over ride 功能超越
move over ride 快速从背部跨过去
Over-Ride Mode 主备用模式
detachable manual over-ride 可拆卸手册凌驾 ; 手册可拆除在转乘
spindle-speed over ride 主轴转速超控
over ride control 过调节控制
over ride detail 功能超越
ride roughshod over 欺凌 ; 残暴对待 ; 一意孤行
ride over 骑车通过 ; 对…置之不理
同义词: override
同义词: nullification override
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T If one thing in a situation overrides other things, it is more important than they are. 比…更重要
The welfare of a child should always override the wishes of its parents.
V-T If someone in authority overrides a person or their decisions, they cancel their decisions. 推翻
The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.
N-COUNT An override is an attempt to cancel someone's decisions by using your authority over them or by gaining more votes than they do in an election or contest. 推翻 [美国英语]
The bill now goes to the House where an override vote is expected to fail.
If your personality is not strong headed enough, she might over-ride you and your choices/decisions.
Most laptop computers are powerful enough to over-ride the communication system of any invading alien society .
You say your boyfriend 'presses' drinks on you, and clearly you've been allowing your fear of looking like a killjoy to over-ride your worries about his drinking.