over the counter bulletin board
...符合适用的联邦证券法fhfa表示,在退市之后,预计房利美与房地美的股票将在场外柜台交易系统(over the counter bulletin board,otcbb)进行交易房地美在一份声明中表示,计划将其普通股与20个级别的优先股从纽约证交所退市;房利美则表示,计...
美国场外柜台交易系统(Over the Counter Bulletin Board,OTCBB) 在OTCBB上市的公司,只要净资产到400万美元,年税后利润超过75万美元或市值达5000万美...
... 股票证券场外交易市场 curb market 场外证券交易市场 kerb market 场外电子柜台交易市场 Over the Counter Bulletin Board ...
市场分级 持OTC交易市场主要由“公告板市场”(Over the Counter Bulletin Board)“粉单市场”(Pink Sheets)和两个市场组成。
over the counter bulletin board
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Stocks in the Over-The-Counter market are quoted on systems like the OTC Bulletin Board, an electronic quotation system, and the Pink Sheets, which is not registered as a stock exchange and is named for the color of paper on which its listings of price quotes for companies have historically been printed.
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The hope was that the Bulletin Board would improve transparency and prevent rampant fraud among over-the-counter equities then trading only in the Pink Sheets.
FORBES: Capital Markets & Investing