... 走道障碍 /展位展示活动 (Obstruction of Aisles/Booth Demonstrations) 高空作业 (Overhead Working) 套装展台 (Package Booth) ...
overhead working truck [车辆] 高空作业车 ; 高空功课车
Working overhead 上面在施工 ; 对施工期间引起的不便表示歉意 ; 上媔在施工
safety of overhead working 高空作业的安全
Working g overhead 上面在施工
overhead d working truck 高空作业车
The folding-jib overhead working truck researched in this thesis is designed for the complex setting and operating condition of our country's important project.
"There'll be apple blossoms an' cherry blossoms overhead," Dickon said, working away with all his might.
Reduced database overhead: at the heart of SDOs is support for disconnected working.