owe success to sb 把成功归功于某人
owe her success to 她的成功是由于
owe our success to 我们的成功是由于
owe my success to 我的成功是由于
owe his success to 他的成功是由于
owe your success to 你们的成功是由于
owe their success to 他们的成功是由于
Some people have said," Don't the successful like Gates owe a debt to society for their success that they repay by paying taxes?"
Champagne houses owe their success to brand image.
Our strength is derived from many sources, but most of all, we owe our success to the ingenuity, intellect and creativity of our people.
Third, some people have said don't the successful like Gates owe a debt to society for their success that they repay by paying taxes.