ToyPort-玩具港 模型材料/模型漆/GAIA 油性漆 222 氧化铁红 名称:oxide red (氧化铁红) 容量:15ml GAIA 漆料列表 优质色漆、纯颜色系、基础色系、透明色系、荧光色系、金属色系、军事色系、铁道色系、大容量包装系...
iron oxide red [颜料] 氧化铁红 ; 三氧化二铁
Lead oxide red 四氧化三铅 ; 红丹 ; [无化] 红色氧化铅 ; 铅丹
ferric oxide red 氧化铁红
chromic oxide red 氧化铬红
magnetic iron oxide red 磁性氧化铁红 ; 磁性铁红
Iron oxide red pigments 氧化铁红颜料 ; 铁红颜料
Micaceous iron oxide red 云母氧化铁红
Iron oxide red alkyd primer 铁红醇酸底漆
This paper has reviewed the preparation and progress of iron oxide red pigment.
Iron Oxide Black; Iron Oxide Yellow; Iron Oxide Red; Fast Red 2r; Toluidine Mauve 0 no limit.
In this paper, the preparation of iron oxide yellow and iron oxide red with pyrite cinder was studied.