) 中文名称 套装软体应用Ⅰ 科目名称 英文名称 Package Software ApplicationⅠ 必/选修 必修 选修 科目属性 一般科目 专业科目 实习、实务、实验科目 科目来源 群科中心学校公告 --课纲
application software package [计] 应用软件包 ; 应用套装软体
application software package for computer 计算机应用软件包
Using Software Application Package 软件包应用
Application Software Package ASP 应用软件包
application software package detail 应用软件包
SPANNAA Application Software Package SPAN 中子活化分析应用软件包
Mission Package Application Software 任务套件应用软体
You might not need to package the actual binaries for the software update if, for example, you retrieve those from the vendor over a network connection during the application of the update.
The meta package definition file points to each application package in the software package.
Next, the administrator prepares a meta package definition file that groups several application packages into a single collection for downloading as a software package.