...控制 ; 丢包率 [gap=698]: Random Early Detection( RED) ; Active Queue Management; IP Congestion Control; Packet-loss Rate ...
Packet loss rate 丢包率 ; 分组丢失率 ; 遗失率 ; 封包遗失率
IP Packet Loss Rate IP包丢失率 ; 包丢失率
plr packet loss rate 分组丢失率
data packet loss rate 数据包丢失率
packet loss rate predict 丢包率预测
packet loss rate measurement 丢包率测量
the average packet loss rate 平均分组丢失率
link packet loss rate estimating 链路丢包率估计
Guaranteed QoS includes three basic parameters: packet transfer delay, packet delay variation and packet loss rate.
The network could provide good quality of service (in packet loss rate and the packet transfer delay) and be compatible with a variety of services.
The algorithm calculated packet loss rate according to the average queue length and waiting time.