packing house 食品加工厂 ; 罐头工厂 ; 肉品加工厂 ; 包装工厂
packing house pitch 仓库沥青
fish packing house 鱼片加工厂
packing house by-product 肉品加工副产品 ; 肉类加工厂副产物
fruit packing house 果品包装室
blanca packing house la 布兰卡罐头公司
packing house wastes 屠宰厂废水
packing house equipment 果实包装厂设备
It was a really enlightening and liberating experience to reduce our belongings to a few packing cases stored in my parents' house and two suitcases, and to start completely afresh.
If your house is not completely packed by now, you will have to finish up all packing today.
It's like packing to go on holiday every time we leave the house.