pacta sunt servanda 有约必守 ; 条约必须遵守 ; 约定必须遵守 ; 契约严守
pacta vestita 穿衣简约
pacta sunt sevenda 条约必须信守原则
Pacta Praetoria 裁判官法简约
Pacta a 无形约束
pacta detail 无形约束
pacta legitima 敕令简约
Pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt: pacts neither harm nor benefit third parties;
Chapter 4 mainly researches the relationship between "the Rule of Reference" and "the Pacta Tertiis Principle".
As a bilateral treaty, both China and Japan should perform the Sino-Japan United Declaration according to the principle of 'Pacta Sunt Servanda'.