paddy rice [作物] 水稻 ; 稻米 ; 稻谷 ; 派迪米米酒店
dry culture of paddy rice 水稻旱种
hybrid paddy rice 杂交水稻 ; 杂交稻
Paddy rice improved variety 水稻良种
paddy rice soil 水稻土
paddy rice seeds 水稻种子
Paddy Rice Hotel 潘帝瑞斯酒店
wet paddy rice blade 水田锄铲
There can be thousands of rice plants in one paddy.
Another tack would be to tilt production toward upland rice, which is grown on dry land and absorbs far less arsenic than paddy rice.
The Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain's many lakes and rivers make it particularly suitable for paddy rice and freshwater fish, hence its designation of "land of fish and rice."
长江中下游平原地势低平,河流和湖泊星罗棋布,是中国主要的水稻、淡水鱼产区,素称? 鱼米之乡?