[ 复数 pales 第三人称单数 pales 现在分词 paling 过去式 paled 过去分词 paled 比较级 paler或more pale 最高级 palest或most pale ]
绰号,含义是“苍白的”(pale) [英格兰人姓氏] 奥尔、苏格兰人、北爱尔兰人姓氏] 奥尔 回复: 氧还原反应(Oxygen Reductive Reaction,ORR)指氧气发生的还原反...
pale green 淡绿 ; 浅绿色 ; 葱绿 ; 苍绿色
Pale Rider 苍白骑士 ; 苍白骑手 ; 单枪匹马闯龙潭 ; 惨白骑士
pale purple 青莲 ; 浅紫色
Pale Blue Dot 暗淡蓝点 ; 黯淡的蓝点 ; 黯淡蓝点 ; 只有一个地球
Pale Thrush 白腹鸫
pale blue 淡蓝 ; 淡蓝色 ; 像青鸭蛋壳的颜色 ; 浅蓝色
Pale Rosefinch 沙色朱雀
Pale brown 浅褐色 ; 浅棕色 ; 棕黄色 ; 淡棕色
Pale Moon 苍月浏览器 ; 浏览器辅助工具 ; 火狐优化软件 ; 火狐浏览器优化工具
同义词: picket
"pale seagreen"; "pale blue eyes"
"the pale light of a half moon"; "a pale sun"; "the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street"; "the pale (or wan) stars"
"a pale rendition of the aria"; "pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender"
同义词: pallid
"high, pale, pure and lovely song"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ If something is pale, it is very light in colour or almost white. 浅色的; 灰白的
Migrating birds filled the pale sky.
As we age, our skin becomes paler.
COMB in COLOR Pale is also a combining form. (用于构成合成词) 浅…色的
...a pale blue sailor dress.
ADJ If someone looks pale, their face looks a lighter colour than usual, usually because they are ill, frightened, or shocked. (脸色) 苍白的
She looked pale and tired.
V to make or become pale or paler; blanch 变白
V-I If one thing pales in comparison with another, it is made to seem much less important, serious, or good by it. 显得逊色; 相形见绌
When someone you love has a life-threatening illness, everything else pales in comparison.
N a wooden post or strip used as an upright member in a fence (藩篱上的)木条; 木桩
PHRASE outside the limits of social convention
She was famous for her beauty. Madame Pierre Gautreau is wearing a low-cut black dress that shows off her pale skin.
VOA: special.2010.08.04
So naturally he looks out the window to see how the time is going and this is what he says: Come, seeling Night,Skarfe up the tender Eye of pitiful DayAnd with thy bloodie and invisible HandCancel and teare to pieces that great BondThat keeps me pale!
But he's just looking really pale and worn out.