... Simple discussion about zero paper examination 浅谈无纸化测试 Paper Discussion 论文讨论 lecture and paper discussion 教学方法及活动 ...
discussion paper 讨论稿 ; 讨论文件 ; 讨论文章 ; 讨论报告
a paper and discussion 预应力碳纤维布
World Bank Discussion Paper 世界银行讨论报告
This paper discussion with the species of Teinopalpus aureus Mell in the world, and published the evolve of our study.
In this paper discussion is made on the principle and methods of designing and implementing a source level debugger for UNIX system.
In addition to the projects, there will be three in-class quizzes and four paper assignments, which will include a one-on-one paper discussion with a staff member.
There are only three assignments: two six-page papers, that I'll explain how to do. One is a exegesis paper, and we'll spend a whole section discussion talking about what we mean by exegesis and teaching you how to do it.
and have a very well-informed discussion or paper or whatever you're working on.
So it's really a training ground for the final paper, and we have found that people don't succeed in the course in the final paper without the training they get in section discussion, which is why section participation is worth ten percent of your grade.