...是好莱坞有名演员,主演过《恋情故事》(love story)等影片儿1973年,只有十岁的奥尼尔跟 爸爸一路演出扮演了《纸玉轮》(paper moon),依附在片中的杰出扮演获患上奥斯卡最佳女副角奖,成为有史以来春秋最小的奥斯卡正式奖项的获奖者(秀兰邓波儿5岁时获患上的是声誉...
现年46岁的泰妲奥妮路( Tatum O’Neal),于74年以10岁之龄凭《大老千与小鬼头》( Paper Moon)赢出最佳女配角,至今仍保持史上最年轻奥斯卡演员奖项得主的纪录。当时泰妲首次出席奥斯卡,一头短发配煲呔和西装,犹如个男孩。
It's only a paper moon 不过是纸月亮 ; 纸月亮 ; 不过是一轮纸月亮 ; 那只
Paper Moon Affair 影月情缘
It's Omly A Paper Moon 不过是一轮纸月亮
club paper moon 俱乐部纸月亮 ; 俱乐部文件文 ; 肉丝秘书
OB Paper Moon 纸月亮
Aliaj - Paper Moon 伊朗前卫金属
s only a paper moon 不过是一轮纸月亮
以上来源于: WordNet
I'm trying to get that across in my new script, so Paper Moon is still influencing me today.
The actress took home the Best Supporting actress Academy Award for her role in "Paper Moon" (1973).
At age ten, Tatum o 'neal be-came the youngest Oscar winner in history for her per-formance in the film classic Paper Moon.
How many times do you need to fold the piece of paper so that you can reach the moon.
So if you can have a piece of paper here, and you fold it 41 times by the end of the class, you can reach the moon.
So how many time do you think-- you all have a piece of paper in front you-- how many time do you think you need to roll over the piece of paper ? for the piece of paper to reach the moon?