一项由函数所完成的工作或副程式层级─主要 是透过开发平行演算法 (Parallel Algorithms) 来加速执行。 不同运算指令间的运算层级─主要是透过多个 CPUs来加速执行。
Distributed and parallel algorithms 分布式与并行算法
Parallel Algorithms Library 并行程序库
See Parallel Algorithms 请参见并行算法
Realize Parallel Algorithms 实现并行算法
schwarz parallel algorithms schwarz并行算法
Image error diffusion parallel algorithms 图像误差扩散并行算法
parallel algorithms and architectures 并行算法和建筑
Parallel Algorithms and High-Performance Simulation 并行算法和高性能模拟
DAG parallel algorithms DAG并行算法
The analysis result shows that the parallel algorithms obtain linear speedup.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区Because of better portability of PVM, all distributed parallel algorithms based on itcould avoid repeated development.
参考来源 - 并行ATPG算法理论与原型系统设计技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Listing 1. Pseudo-code for generic divide-and-conquer parallel algorithms.
清单1 .通用divide - and - conquer并行算法的伪代码。
After parallel algorithms came grid computing, which ran parallel computations on idle desktops.
We'll use the algorithm described in the section on parallel algorithms to solve this problem elegantly.