particle density [高能] 粒子密度 ; 颗粒密度 ; 土粒密度
effective particle density 颗粒有效密度 ; [冶] 有效颗粒密度
soil particle density 土壤密度 ; [土壤] 土粒密度 ; 土壤颗粒密度
apparent particle density 颗粒表观密度
refuse particle density 垃圾颗粒密度
surface particle density 表面粒子密度
limited particle density 粒子最大密度
neutral-particle density 中性粒子密度
ice particle density 冰晶粒子密度
true particle density 颗粒真密度
This paper explores the relation between dissolving quality and particle density of milk powder and obtains the special range of formula milk powder density.
The influence of non-uniform flow and particle density distribution on the simulation results was discussed.
This paper discussed the cause of distinction of the particle density and the orgin of tubular and vesicular structure in spaces.