...坏检测、医学诊断及声纳与水中听音器(hydrophone)使用,尤其是它具有很高的声波接收系数,用来制作被动式声纳(passive sonar)之水听器数组(hydrophone assay)具有重要性。除外,它具柔软性,又可耐高电压(其崩溃电压比PZT高约100倍)。
passive sonar detection 被动式声纳侦测
passive sonar target recognition 被动声纳目标识别
submarine passive sonar 潜艇被动声纳
Of Passive Sonar 对被动声纳
passive sonar-buoy 被动声纳浮标
passive sonar buoy 被动声纳浮标
passive sonar target 被动声纳目标
passive sonar system 无源声呐
passive sonar display 被动声纳显示
Along with the decreasing noise radiation of underwater vessels, it appears a big challenge to the passive sonar.
参考来源 - 水听器阵超增益特性及信号处理研究Therefore, passive SONAR, aiming at universal noise targets, becomes the dominating SONAR of submarine. As we know, noise target ranging technology is one of its main problems.
参考来源 - 数字式噪声目标被动测距声纳研究Submarine noise is the main interference of passive sonar system, which decreases the SNR at the input of the passive sonar, resulting in the deduction of sonar ranging.
潜艇自噪声是被动声纳系统的主要干扰。 它使声纳接收端的输入信噪比降低,导致被动声纳的有效作用距离相应减小。
参考来源 - 互耦多通道自适应有源噪声抵消技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A crucial issue in a passive sonar system is detection of the spectral lines.
Detections of the spectral lines is an important issue in the passive sonar system.
The propeller shaft frequency is one of the important target recognition features for passive sonar.