... 诺瓦/ lilyana纳西尔,印尼已经超出我们两人zaitseva /阿列克谢konah。 发送给朋友paste into the blog 查看rss频道add to own google page ...
We may want to edit the blog entry form to include the eye graphic, just to save ourselves the work of having to copy and paste the link into every new item.
Then the email launches straight into what read like a copy-and-paste job from some form letter. She wanted my help to vote for something she's doing and tell people about it on my blog.
When a user clicks on the Generate button, he is shown what his badge looks like and presented with the HTML code that he can use to paste the badge into his blog or Web site.
当用户单击 Generate 按钮时,将显示标栏的外观,并呈现可用于将标栏粘贴到博客或 Web 站点的 HTML 代码。