...射采血封闭消毒止血即时贴的研究 关键词】 即时贴;全封闭;止血,消毒;血管保护;血液传播疾病 [gap=586]Key words】 paster;sealing;haemostasis,disinfection;blood vessel protection;blood dissemination di..
flying paster 纸幅机上连续粘接 ; 纸幅自动接头
grinding paster 打磨膏 ; 抛光膏 ; 硫酸亚铁打磨膏
window paster 糊窗纸
modelling paster 制模石膏粉
Clonidine skin paster 可乐定控释贴
同义词: gummed label sticker
以上来源于: WordNet
Shake up the quintessential powder in the bag, tear down the smaller paster of the ventilate adhesive plaster, and then attach the bag to the volar.
"If he wants to play, he always wants me to play with him," Ms. Paster said.
“如果他想玩,他总希望我陪着他玩。” 帕斯特女士说道。
Emily Paster tries to control television time and encourage her children to play with imagination.