Patent&Trademark 专利与商标
Patent & Trademark 专利与商标
Patent&Trademark Office 专利与商标局 ; 专利与牌号局 ; 专利与商标局来源考试大
US Patent & Trademark Office 美国专利和商标局 ; 向美国专利及商标局
Patent Trademark 专利与商标
US Patent and Trademark Office 美国专利商标局 ; 美国专利和商标局 ; 商标局 ; 商标办公室
patent and trademark office 专利与商标局 ; 专利商标局 ; 专利和商标办公室 ; 专利局
Patent and Trademark 专利与商标
Will the manufacturer hold the distributor harmless from and actions for patent, trademark or copyright infringement?
If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the software.
Also, patent, trademarks laws can often be used to bar unauthorized sales by foreign licensee, provided that the licenser has valid patent, trademark, or copyright protection.