US Patent and Trademark Office 美国专利商标局 ; 美国专利和商标局 ; 商标局 ; 商标办公室
patent and trademark office 专利与商标局 ; 专利商标局 ; 专利和商标办公室 ; 专利局
Italian Patent and Trademark Office 意大利专利和商标局 ; 意大利专利商标局
Spanish Patent and Trademark Office 西班牙专利商标局
Patent and Trademark attorney 专利和商标律师
The backlogged patent and Trademark Office can take up to four years to approve a patent application.
Fujitsu agreed to assign over all rights to the iPad name to Apple, according to US Patent and Trademark Office records.
It is not simply a failure of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to scrutinise applications more rigorously.