Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine 中成药 ; 丹参提取工艺条件的优选 ; 浅谈影响中成药质量的几种因素 ; 附子增效减毒配伍的研究进展
Traditional Chinese Medicine Patent Prescription 中成药
Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine 中成药
modern traditional chinese patent medicine 现代中成药
New Chinese traditional patent medicine 中成药新药
Homemade Chinese traditional patent medicine 自制中成药
The protection of the Traditional Chinese Medicine species is a new model, which is utterly different from that patent or trademark can afford.
As the traditional Chinese patent medicine and thinner profits, earning less than the money, there are nearly 500 kinds of traditional Chinese patent medicine manufacturers no longer produced.
Calculus bovis is a kind of rare traditional Chinese medicine, which is rare and also important raw material of many famous Chinese patent medicines.