...;同时,小小郭原定26日清晨返台,也将取消,等待伤势状况明确之后,再决定 | NOWnews 今日新闻 所谓的「罗马和平(Pax Romana)是指什么时候? | Yahoo+ 所谓的「罗马和平(Pax Romana)是指什么时候?
接下来的300年里,希腊成为罗马的一个行省,经历了空前的和平,被称为“罗马帝国统治下的和平(Pax Romana)”。罗马人极其崇尚希腊艺术文学和哲学;而Greek(希腊人)这个称呼是由罗马人第一个提出的。
Pax-Romana 马和平时期
以上来源于: WordNet
N the Roman peace; the long period of stability under the Roman Empire 罗马帝国统治下的和平
You've got a good business, the Pax Romana, the Roman peace, actually allows you to travel.
Pax Romana 1500 years ago in the capital of the Northern Wei , one of China's historical and cultural relics.
Caesar Augustus was famous in his day. He ruled the Roman Empire and ushered in a period of peace known as the Pax Romana.
So the Pax Romana may have sounded great, if you were an elite, but if you were not in the elite, it may have seemed more oppressive than anything.
Pax Romana This led to what we famously call the Pax Romana, "the Roman Peace," because you had the end of long, hundreds of years of civil wars and other wars, at least within Rome itself.
Non-Romans and poor people may have seen the Pax Romana as more oppressive than a liberation, just like people saw the Pax Americana that way, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and before the beginning of the Iraq War.