...的礼物(Simple Gifts) 马车从天上来 圣主(Precious Lord) 天赐恩宠(Amazing Grace) 我已如河般宁静(Peace Like A River) 现在,我睡了 羊儿得以安然吃草 主的慈声召我回家 秋日摇篮曲(Autumn Lullaby) 整个夜晚 月光(Moonlight) 一闪一闪小星星 摇...
... 1: 宽恕Mercy 05:33 如同河水一般宁静Peace Like A River 2: 如同河水一般宁静Peace Like A Rive.... 06:23 ...
... 求主施恩 Pass Me Not 我有平安如江河 Peace like a River 赞美救主 Praise Him! Praise Him! ...
When Peace Like A River 平安如水流
以上来源于: WordNet
The river's spring-head is in China, rinally return back to China. So it's name is " spring returning river". It's like a beautiful green peace silk ribbon between two countries.
In the beautiful evening, and a dog sitting on the river side by side, like a returnto the Garden of Eden, even if what do not feel bored ---- only peace and happiness.