...001年的69.10%,下跌至2005年的49.42%,到2009年的省选,更跌至40.97%,在全省85个选区中,仅高于北和平河(Peace River North)的40.01%。但到今年省选,北和平河投票率回升至53.95%,列治文中虽然微升至43.69%,排名却跌至榜末,成为全省投票率最低的选区。
abstract:Peace River North is a provincial electoral district for the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, Canada. It was created under the name North Peace River by the Constitution Amendment Act, 1955, which split the old riding of Peace River into northern and southern portions for the 1956 B.
At this moment, in August of 1986, wepledgeto each other: no matterwhat it takes, or how long, we will stayinNorthLuangwauntilthe elephants come to drink at the river in peace.